Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Booming Gold Market

This morning I woke up to talk radio 1150 WNDB, like I always do, and the top of the hour news was talking about how now is a good time for people to get rid of their unwanted gold jewelry. That newscast is less than 6 minutes long (including commercials) and so I found it impressive that this tidbit made it into their tight schedule.

Of course, at Masterpiece Tracy and I have been encouraging our customers to trade in their gold for brand new jewelry for over 2 years now- ever since the climb upward began! It's worth THREE TIMES what it was just 2 years ago! (And sorry about YELLING but I wanted to get my point across!)

We have been trading with customers on a daily basis now for months, and people sometimes ask me what we do with all the old unwanted jewelry we take in. We have a few options: 1) recondition the piece and resell it as a great value in our Estate Jewelry showcase; 2) use the piece for parts in our jewelry repair shop (gold shanks on rings can be used as sizing stock) or 3) it is sent to the refinery to be recycled into new gold.

Like all commodities, the gold market is volatile and can drop at any time, so stop procrastinating, go through your jewelry box, and trade your old gold in to us at Masterpiece!

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